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moon cake (中國的)月餅。

moon car

After the mooncake festival , custom of moon cakes have been spread to the citizens until now 以后中秋節吃月餅的習俗便在民間流傳開來。

Sushi moon cake 香糕系列

Henry : hey ! i ' ll trade you one of my sweet bean moon cakes for one of your pineapple ones 嘿!我想用我的甜豆月餅跟你換一個鳳梨月餅!

Henry : hey ! i ' ll trade you one of my sweet bean moon cakes for one of your pineapple ones 嘿!我想用我的甜豆月餅跟你換一個菠蘿月餅!

Halle : hmm … you have an interesting philosophy ! so where do the moon cakes come in 嗯. . .你的人生觀很有趣!那么,月餅是怎么來的?

Homeless victims in zhonghe , kai county receive rice , quilts and moon cakes 開縣中和鎮失去家園的災民領取大米棉被及月餅。

I ' ll trade you one of my sweet bean moon cakes for one of your pineapple ones (我想用我的甜豆月餅跟你換一個鳳梨月餅。 )

I ' ll trade you one of my sweet bean moon cakes for one of your pineapple ones (我想用我的甜豆月餅跟你換一個菠蘿月餅。 )

Guangshi packing moon cake 糕點系列糕點系列

I like mid - autumn festival best . we eat moon cakes at mid - autumn festival 我最喜歡中秋節。在中秋節我們吃月餅。

You know what moon cakes are 你知道什么是月餅

We eat moon cakes as dessert 我們吃月餅當甜點

Cuiqinzhai moon cake has got 翠沁齋月餅曾榮獲:

5 coupons of tack hsin s moon cake 德興月餅咭五張

Chiuchow garden moon cake gift box 潮江春月餅禮盒

We eat moon cake as sweet nosh 我們吃月餅當甜點

Moon cake is a special pastry for the coming mid - autumn festival 月餅是迎接即將來臨的中秋節的一種特殊糕點。

To understand the modern production of moon cakes or ice cream 欣賞多部影片,了解月餅和雪糕的現代生產方法。

You know what moon cakes are 你知道什么是藝術月餅